Wednesday, April 25, 2018

NBC Bet $69 Million on Megyn Kelly—Then Viewers Vanished - WSJ

NBC Bet $69 Million on Megyn Kelly—Then Viewers Vanished - WSJ

I will never cease to be amazed at the expectation of short memories that media execs have of their viewers. Unlike the mouth-breathing elderly that tune in to Faux News, liberals have long memories. If NBC actually thought they were going to woo conservative viewers away from fox by hiring Megyn Kelly, they were sorely mistaken. Fox viewers don't trust anything else, and mainstream media viewers loathe Megyn Kelly for her long history of propping up sexism and other misdeeds. Apparently she isn't aware that Fox and other such right-wing outlets all hire blonde bimbos with orange faces to satisfy the fantasies of their old, white male viewers. (Sorry angry old white dudes, you're not going to fuck them. Give up.) And if you don't believe me that the right wingers are about blondes, check this out:

Mainstream anchor expected qualifications: Decades of experience, Rhodes scholar, journalism degree from Northwestern

Conservative anchor expected qualifications: "I'm a conservative."

Monday, April 23, 2018

Welcome to my little corner of the web, where I'll be making posts on a variety of topics, including liberal politics and local news around Richmond, Virginia.